Friday, April 27, 2012

To write or not to write...

Is the blog a dying art form?

I mean, I realize how silly that sounds. Blog. Art form. Dying. Those words in a sentence are almost laughable. But yet, it seems to be true. I chastise myself frequently for not writing enough. The bloggers I follow haven't posted in six months. Everyone is worried about copyright and getting ripped off. The internet has opened up so many possibilities that we now fight over whose possibilities are more valuable. What is writing coming to?

Okay, maybe I'm giving myself too much credit here. I am putting pen to paper (figuratively, natch), but is blogging writing? I suppose to some it is. But what I do is just put my thoughts down. Who wants to read this drivel? If I were really creatively writing, no one would read that either. So what does it matter how valid my writing is?

I started a new Twitter account, hoping that limiting myself to 140 characters would not only challenge me, but also keep me from being so challenged I can't come up with anything funny. 140 characters is just enough for a good joke, one that doesn't require a ton of setup before the punchline. I think this may be good for me. I'm gaining followers slowly, but Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither were the comedy dynasties like Saturday Night Live or Second City, etc etc.

If you want to read my lame quips, the new account is @40sgrlprobs. Check it out.

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