Monday, April 16, 2012

I go through spells where I just hate getting up and going to work in the mornings. Lately, this spell has been coupled with another: I don't want to be at home.

Maybe it's that spring is in the air and that makes me want to get out and about, but the more likely reason is that I am so sick of trying to amuse myself. I'm probably suffering from depression. I do seem to feel discontent a lot of the time. Is it something wrong with me though, or just wrong with my situation? I lack motivation to do much of anything. I don't feel like working out, I don't feel like going anywhere, I don't feel like writing. I don't feel like laying on the couch either, but that's what I end up doing because there's nothing else I'd rather do either. I don't know what to do. I need some sort of pick-me-up. But where do I find it?

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