I have some I Love Lucy and Wizard of Oz items that I am looking to get rid of. If anyone is interested, post a comment here with your e-mail address included and I will contact you with a rundown of the items I have and we can negotiate prices.
Okay, for the fun stuff!
Robert Pattinson supposedly confirmed to The Sun that he and Kristen Stewart "are together". R Pattz code translates to: "Yeah, we're fuckin'."
Perez Hilton is seriously getting on my nerves. I used to love to read his website, but he has just insulted Bette Midler too many times for me now. Also, there are way too many grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes on his site for me to take him seriously anymore. I'm trying to debate whether or not I want to stop reading altogether.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I will be leaving for Chicago in about 48 hours and this week is just dragging by until that time comes. I'm going crazy.
Why is it that I have not read any major spoilers concerning Twilight until now? Don't worry, I'm not a Twi-hard or anything. But I'm reading the books and am about half way through Eclipse, and now I start seeing all this stuff about Bella giving birth to Renesmee. I guess it's because of the fact that filming of the final book is in the pre-pre-production stage, but I am furious that I now know something that is going to happen in the future. Before I ever opened a single one of those books, even after two of the movies already came out, I never read a single word that resembled a spoiler. (I knew the series was about a human, some vampires, and some werewolves, and I even knew some character names, but that was it.) Now a physical act that has yet to occur in the book series to the point that I have read has been completely ruined. Thank you, technology.
Why is it that I have not read any major spoilers concerning Twilight until now? Don't worry, I'm not a Twi-hard or anything. But I'm reading the books and am about half way through Eclipse, and now I start seeing all this stuff about Bella giving birth to Renesmee. I guess it's because of the fact that filming of the final book is in the pre-pre-production stage, but I am furious that I now know something that is going to happen in the future. Before I ever opened a single one of those books, even after two of the movies already came out, I never read a single word that resembled a spoiler. (I knew the series was about a human, some vampires, and some werewolves, and I even knew some character names, but that was it.) Now a physical act that has yet to occur in the book series to the point that I have read has been completely ruined. Thank you, technology.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Amazon fail
I just got my first negative seller review on Amazon.com. Unfortunately, it was the only feedback I'd ever received so I'm at 100% negative with a one-star rating. I even got a file claimed against me, saying that the item was "inadequately" packaged. Since when is wrapping a fucking CD case in bubble wrap inside of a manila envelope inadequate?
God, I am so mad about this.
God, I am so mad about this.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Best Picture nominees, parts 2 and 3
So I have now seen Precious, Up In The Air, An Education, and A Serious Man. Of the four, Up In The Air was my favorite, probably just because George Clooney is so delicious. I also found the characters to be the most relatable (for me, anyway). The performances in Precious were fantastic. It's hard to "like" a movie like that, mainly just because the story is so disgusting, but I did think it was very well done and surprisingly uplifting.
An Education was okay. I always enjoy movies set between the post-War years and the early 1960s. This one obviously fell on the other end of the spectrum. I liked the feel of the movie better than the movie itself. The costumes were amazing.
A Serious Man was excellent. Very funny, with an interesting storyline (even though the opening sequence felt very disjointed), and I really sympathized with the main character. His question of "Why does God present us with questions if he's not going to give us answers?" really hit home with me. I did not like the ending though. That's all I'll say.
This leaves me with Avatar, The Blind Side, District 9, and Up. I have to admit I have no interest in seeing District 9 and probably won't. It has no chance of winning Best Picture anyway. I would really like to see Fantastic Mr. Fox and Crazy Heart, but if I don't get a chance before the Awards I won't feel too bad.
Now I'm off to continue reading Eclipse. Yes, that Eclipse.
An Education was okay. I always enjoy movies set between the post-War years and the early 1960s. This one obviously fell on the other end of the spectrum. I liked the feel of the movie better than the movie itself. The costumes were amazing.
A Serious Man was excellent. Very funny, with an interesting storyline (even though the opening sequence felt very disjointed), and I really sympathized with the main character. His question of "Why does God present us with questions if he's not going to give us answers?" really hit home with me. I did not like the ending though. That's all I'll say.
This leaves me with Avatar, The Blind Side, District 9, and Up. I have to admit I have no interest in seeing District 9 and probably won't. It has no chance of winning Best Picture anyway. I would really like to see Fantastic Mr. Fox and Crazy Heart, but if I don't get a chance before the Awards I won't feel too bad.
Now I'm off to continue reading Eclipse. Yes, that Eclipse.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Last night I started watching the Showtime series Weeds. Love it so far. I mean, it is so funny. And I love the fact that the premise is SO out there. Apparently I'm a fan of strange storylines, considering my love of the show Big Love. Anyway, during one episode I noticed a member of the PTA committee that looked really familiar to me. When she appeared again in a later episode, I mulled it over and figured out what I knew her from: The Golden Girls. She was on one episode as Blanche's daughter Rebecca in season 3.
As if it weren't sad enough that I recognized her from one single episode of a show she did 20 years ago, sadder still is how I recognized her. It wasn't her appearance (although she has not changed at all with the exception of a darker hair color). I recognized the way that she spoke. She has a very distinct way of moving her mouth when she speaks. It could be the result of some sort of slight past speech impediment, but nonetheless that is how I spotted her.
A brief search through Wikipedia for the specific Golden Girls episode I was looking for and then IMDb for the actors' names in that episode, I was able to confirm that it was indeed the same actress. Her name is Shawn Schepps, and apparently she writes, produces, and directs as well.
I believe I now officially deserve the title of World's Biggest Nerd. Or at least World's Most Observant Person.
As if it weren't sad enough that I recognized her from one single episode of a show she did 20 years ago, sadder still is how I recognized her. It wasn't her appearance (although she has not changed at all with the exception of a darker hair color). I recognized the way that she spoke. She has a very distinct way of moving her mouth when she speaks. It could be the result of some sort of slight past speech impediment, but nonetheless that is how I spotted her.
A brief search through Wikipedia for the specific Golden Girls episode I was looking for and then IMDb for the actors' names in that episode, I was able to confirm that it was indeed the same actress. Her name is Shawn Schepps, and apparently she writes, produces, and directs as well.
I believe I now officially deserve the title of World's Biggest Nerd. Or at least World's Most Observant Person.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Best Picture nominees, part 1
I have now actively started on my mission to view all of the Best Picture nominees prior to the Academy Awards on March 7. As of now, I have seen two: The Hurt Locker and Inglourious Basterds, both excellent movies.
At first I thought The Hurt Locker was going to be boring. It started out kind of slow, but I realized that the opening scene was just setting the pace. The action really was slow-moving for the most part, but each of these drawn out moments were so suspenseful that, as I realized what was going on, it was easy to forget about the time and just get lost in the focus of the character and the actions they were performing. I liked the way they showed the main character assimilating, or attempting to, back into civilian life toward the end of the movie, but I also felt that part was a little forced. It didn't flow as well as the rest of the film, although that could have something to do with the fact that the pace was so different.
Sorry to be vague. I'm just trying not to give anything away to anyone who may not have seen the movie.
I really enjoyed Inglourious Basterds. The plot was very well thought out, I enjoyed the score, the dialogue was brilliant, and the cast was phenomenal. The brutality got to me a couple of times, but for the most part I didn't mind the gore. (Shows you how much I can take, calling anything in this movie gory.) All of the buzz about this movie is around Christoph Waltz, but I thought the best performance was that of Melanie Laurent. Of course, I was struck by her appearance as well. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Why? Well, let me show you.
At first I thought The Hurt Locker was going to be boring. It started out kind of slow, but I realized that the opening scene was just setting the pace. The action really was slow-moving for the most part, but each of these drawn out moments were so suspenseful that, as I realized what was going on, it was easy to forget about the time and just get lost in the focus of the character and the actions they were performing. I liked the way they showed the main character assimilating, or attempting to, back into civilian life toward the end of the movie, but I also felt that part was a little forced. It didn't flow as well as the rest of the film, although that could have something to do with the fact that the pace was so different.
Sorry to be vague. I'm just trying not to give anything away to anyone who may not have seen the movie.
I really enjoyed Inglourious Basterds. The plot was very well thought out, I enjoyed the score, the dialogue was brilliant, and the cast was phenomenal. The brutality got to me a couple of times, but for the most part I didn't mind the gore. (Shows you how much I can take, calling anything in this movie gory.) All of the buzz about this movie is around Christoph Waltz, but I thought the best performance was that of Melanie Laurent. Of course, I was struck by her appearance as well. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Why? Well, let me show you.

Above, Melanie Laurent in Inglourious Basterds, courtesy Merveilleuse Melanie Laurent .
Below, Rosemary Clooney, courtesy Rosemary Clooney Palladium.
Eerie, isn't it?
I will be watching more of the nominees this weekend. Stay tuned!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
What is perfect pitch?
Today at work I brought up the Taylor/Stevie Grammy debacle again, mentioning a couple of articles I had read about the incident. The conversation then turned to the pitch of singers in general, with mention to Kelly Clarkson as having perfect pitch.
But what is perfect pitch, really? Wikipedia states that it is such:
Possessors of absolute pitch exhibit the ability in varying degrees. Generally, absolute pitch implies some or all of the following abilities when done without reference to an external standard:[4]
Identify by name individual pitches (e.g. A, B, C#) played on various instruments
Name the key of a given piece of tonal music just by listening (without reference to an external tone)
Identify and name all the tones of a given chord or other tonal mass
Sing a given pitch without an external reference
Name the pitches of common everyday noises such as car horns
Identify the numerical value in hertz of a given note.
Almost all of the above examples require some knowledge of music theory. How many people even know what hertz means? If you can reproduce musical notes, then does it mean you do not have perfect pitch if you cannot name each note? I don't understand how this works. I mean, I have a little musical training. I play piano by ear, I can recognize musical dissonance, and I can reproduce any note that is played for me (even if I have to do it in a different octave). But I couldn't tell you if I'm singing an A flat or a B. That's awfully difficult, unless you regularly sing with sheet music or compose music. Wikipedia also (in a link to a separate article) has a list of famous people with supposedly perfect pitch. Has there been a study done on this? Does someone have the capability to reproduce a note and suddenly say they have perfect pitch? How do they know this? And why does this bother me so much?
Thoughts, anyone?
But what is perfect pitch, really? Wikipedia states that it is such:
Possessors of absolute pitch exhibit the ability in varying degrees. Generally, absolute pitch implies some or all of the following abilities when done without reference to an external standard:[4]
Identify by name individual pitches (e.g. A, B, C#) played on various instruments
Name the key of a given piece of tonal music just by listening (without reference to an external tone)
Identify and name all the tones of a given chord or other tonal mass
Sing a given pitch without an external reference
Name the pitches of common everyday noises such as car horns
Identify the numerical value in hertz of a given note.
Almost all of the above examples require some knowledge of music theory. How many people even know what hertz means? If you can reproduce musical notes, then does it mean you do not have perfect pitch if you cannot name each note? I don't understand how this works. I mean, I have a little musical training. I play piano by ear, I can recognize musical dissonance, and I can reproduce any note that is played for me (even if I have to do it in a different octave). But I couldn't tell you if I'm singing an A flat or a B. That's awfully difficult, unless you regularly sing with sheet music or compose music. Wikipedia also (in a link to a separate article) has a list of famous people with supposedly perfect pitch. Has there been a study done on this? Does someone have the capability to reproduce a note and suddenly say they have perfect pitch? How do they know this? And why does this bother me so much?
Thoughts, anyone?
Monday, February 8, 2010
Perez Hilton is a jerk!
While his ability to get the scoop is undeniable, Perez Hilton is an asshole! Check this out, BetteHeads!
Monday, February 1, 2010
My take on the Grammys
I'm sure everyone (all three of you) is clamoring to hear my opinion on the Taylor Swift fiasco from last night. And yes, it was just that: a fiasco. Taylor is a talented girl, and very pretty, but the truth of the matter is that she cannot sing live AT ALL. She was flat almost completely throughout her performance, which is pretty embarassing when you're singing your own songs, but then she ruined a rock classic by one of the all-time greats. I haven't been able to find the exact quote, but I have read several articles saying that Taylor, earlier in the evening had called Stevie "her hero".
EXCUSE ME???? Your hero? Sure, you know all of the words (but obviously not all of the notes) to "Rhiannon", and likely other well-known songs, but what could a 20-year-old country princess possibly know about Stevie Nicks? Tell me Taylor, do you know the name of the first band Stevie was ever in? How about the name of her old standby back-up singer, that's been performing with her since the early 1980's? And, off the top of your head Taylor, do you know the lyrics to any of Stevie's non-singles, like "If I Were You", "Long Way To Go", or "Too Far From Texas"? Yeah, I didn't think so.
(In case anyone is wondering: Fritz, Sharon Celani, and yes, I know every word to all of those songs.)
Although I didn't watch the red carpet stuff, I do have a few opinions on the outfits for the evening as well, in true Joan Rivers fashion. Also, keep in mind I didn't view the show start to finish. I watched for a bit, TiVo'd an hour while watching Big Love, then played catch-up, so I'm bound to have missed a few debacles. One of my favorite outfits of the night was definitely the one worn by Lady Gaga on the red carpet.
EXCUSE ME???? Your hero? Sure, you know all of the words (but obviously not all of the notes) to "Rhiannon", and likely other well-known songs, but what could a 20-year-old country princess possibly know about Stevie Nicks? Tell me Taylor, do you know the name of the first band Stevie was ever in? How about the name of her old standby back-up singer, that's been performing with her since the early 1980's? And, off the top of your head Taylor, do you know the lyrics to any of Stevie's non-singles, like "If I Were You", "Long Way To Go", or "Too Far From Texas"? Yeah, I didn't think so.
(In case anyone is wondering: Fritz, Sharon Celani, and yes, I know every word to all of those songs.)
Although I didn't watch the red carpet stuff, I do have a few opinions on the outfits for the evening as well, in true Joan Rivers fashion. Also, keep in mind I didn't view the show start to finish. I watched for a bit, TiVo'd an hour while watching Big Love, then played catch-up, so I'm bound to have missed a few debacles. One of my favorite outfits of the night was definitely the one worn by Lady Gaga on the red carpet.

image courtesy Sindh Today
It's bizarre, for sure, but everything Gaga wears is. But somehow this dress works. It's futuristic, yet glamorous, and I like the fact that she's not wearing over-the-top make-up or strange headgear. She looks totally classy, and the heels are ferosh.
Katy Perry on the other hand...

image courtesy Associated Press
...looked HOrrendous. The color, paired with the natural-looking make-up she was sporting, completely washes out her already pale complexion, and the bangs are too short and too poofy all at the same time, if that's possible. She does get extra points for the amazing backless look, but loses those points because of her creepy arm candy (Russell Brand). Every shot of them in the audience made me gasp aloud.
Jennifer Lopez also looked horrible, but her career is in the toilet, so I'll go easy on her this time.
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