Saturday, March 20, 2010

Jesse James is the biggest douchebag on the planet.

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. Things have been stressful lately. I've been trying to move and then ended up deciding not to. I've also been trying to plan a trip to Texas at the end of May with my grandparents, who apparently are worried that I cannot afford the trip. It's my money, my problem, I'll deal with it. I've also been working on getting my student loans put in forbearance for a second time. Hopefully that'll help me get caught up on some bills and things.

I rearranged all of the furniture in my apartment on Thursday, so hopefully that will provide a little glimmer of change to keep things steady for a while. Feng shui, and all that.

I never got a chance to make a post-Oscar blog, so I'll put a few things in about that now. I'm so glad Sandra Bullock won Best Actress and so sorry that the Best Actress curse has already caught up with her. No one deserves what has come to light about her husband's infidelities in the past week, especially someone so sweet, humble, hard-working, and kind who was otherwise on top of the world. It sucks hard, and my heart completely goes out to her.

Oscar fashion: Meryl Streep *gasp* YAY, Sandy Bullock YAY, Cameron Diaz GORGE, Gabourey Sidibe FIERCE, Zoe Saldana MEH, Charlize Theron HONEY NO, Miley Cyrus GO AWAY, Diane Kruger PUKE, Vera Farmiga EEEEKKK!!!!, George Clooney ALWAYS, Ryan Reynolds YUM, Jeff Bridges and Susan Geston ADORBS. As for the ceremony, mostly a snoozefest, but I was thrilled with Kathryn Bigelow's win as well as the NPH opening number and all of the barbs at Meryl throughout the night. Have ever mentioned how much I adore her?

Alright I guess that's all I've got for today. I should probably get back to work.

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