Friday, July 31, 2009

Ben Affleck

Last night I had a hard time falling asleep because I thinking about how, at that very moment, Ben Affleck could be searching for his keys. I kept imagining Jennifer Garner placing little Violet into the high chair while Ben looked frantically under books and things piled on a table. "Jen, honey," he would say, "have you seen my keys?" She would answer, "Did you check the kitchen counter?" And of course, she would be right, and he would shout, "Thanks, babe, I'll be back later. Love ya."

Do you want to know how I started thinking about Ben Affleck? I was thinking about Bette, the show, not the person. Then I was reminded of an interview I watched with her in which she said that when she made Drowning Mona her daughter thought it was really cool that she got to work with Casey Affleck. Then I started comparing Casey and Ben in my mind, and how neither of them are really that attractive, but Ben's nose sets off his chin whereas Casey has a smaller nose and it just makes his chin appear to jut out even further.

That's how I started thinking about Ben Affleck looking for his keys.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

When the rain washes you clean, you'll know.

Well, I got a flat tire again. This is three (second time on the same tire) within less than two months. I am just about fed up with...well, everything. I'm sick of owing so much money on a worthless piece of shit car, I'm sick of having credit card debt that I can't afford to stay out of, and I'm really sick of living hand-to-mouth 90% of the time. I don't understand. I'm making more money now than I ever have and somehow I keep digging myself deeper and deeper. I suppose now that I've stopped spending money on concerts (hey, a girl's gotta live, right?) that things will improve a little, but I'm still stuck in a rut with this car. Just when I decided I would try to stick it out with this car for another year in order to get my balance down on it, now this tire situation comes up. I don't have the money laying around to just up and buy another tire. In the morning I'm going to take my car to Wal-Mart and see if they can just patch it. Otherwise, I'll owe my parents fifty bucks for helping me out with the tire. I get paid on Thursday, but what does that matter anymore? I have to pay my rent and my credit card bill, then it will be time to buy groceries again.

I'm also fucked right now because of the fact that I finally broke down and went to the clinic. I've had this sort of cough for over a month and haven't felt just right the whole time. Every time I thought I was getting better it would get worse. Finally I just said screw it and went, hoping I could get it cleared up. The way my health care plan works, I get billed for office visits, but I still had to pay for my prescription. $30 for 6 pills! And to top it all off, what they gave me was a Z-pack, which I had forgotten makes me nauseous. So I paid thirty bucks for 5 days worth of stomach cramps. Awesome!

My head's been racing lately too. Things seemed to have gotten better when I changed to this new position at work, but now I'm back to my old antics. I'm having trouble sleeping and focusing, and my body's all tense again too. I guess all this stress outside of work is what's doing it (money issues and whatnot), but it doesn't ease up when I'm at work. I used to be able to play some music while I was working to help me clear my head, but that's not working for me now either. It just seems that I can't ever stay stress-free for very long. My body just won't let me.

Friday, July 17, 2009


I've done it. I have joined Twitter. I feel slightly ashamed since it's Twitter. (Just as many people cut on Twitter as they do praise it.) But I need to move into the future. Plus, if celebrities tweet, then how bad can it be? In fact, this may be just the boost I need to get more readers to my blog! Meh, who am I kidding? A girl can dream, can't she?

In other news, today I deleted my MySpace account. I felt it was time. I only got on there to make occassional status updates and to do quizzes, and the only person on my friends list that's on MySpace more than Facebook is my sister, and as much as I hate the telephone, it's much more practical just to call/text her. I do pay for that service, after all. The only disadvantage to not having a MySpace is that I won't get to see as many pictures of my feline niece and nephews, but that's okay. I can always just get her to show them to me when I go home.

I'm struggling to stay awake at work here. I've gotten up earlier than usual the last three days in a row, and that's without going to bed any earlier. Pray the coffee helps.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wizard of Oz stuff for sale

I have decided that I am a grown-up now. Not only do I feel the need to get rid of unnecessary things in my life, I also feel the need to let go of some of the things in my past. I have tons of Wizard of Oz stuff, and while I still love Judy Garland eternally, I'm a little too old to have so many dolls and toys in the house. Plus, can you imagine bringing a guy home to my place with all the collectibles I have sitting around. What a cockblock that would be! (Or vag block, I suppose.) Anyway, if you're interested in any of it, let me know. I can send pictures or let you come over and take a look at what I've got (depending on who you are, naturally).

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Working Woman's Blues

Work is slow (again), so I guess it's time for a riveting blog update!

I was without a car for five days. Well, technically only two I guess, but really five. Turns out it was the fuel pump, which only cost me a $160 as opposed to the $500 or $600 it potentially could have cost. $160 is still a lot of money to someone in my financial situation.

Jon-Michael and I went to Chicago for July 4th. I'd been wanting to go back ever since our first trip, and it worked out that we could both get the 3rd off, so we decided to go then. Having my car break down two days before leaving for Chicago was very fortunate in a way. That meant it didn't matter that I was without a car, but it also meant that I had to be a thrifty spender while in Chicago in order to make sure I had enough money for my repairs when I got back. The trip, of course, was great. I really like Chicago and would love to visit more often. It rained on the 4th, but we got to take a water taxi on Lake Michigan that day, and I think the rain made it more interesting. I'm normally one to complain about getting caught in the rain, but it was really just a light drizzle all day and I was so happy to be in Chicago that I really didn't care. I was unable to chip in on parking and gas for the trip, but thankfully Jon-Michael is damn near loaded so I'm just going to pay him back for my half once I get paid again. I get paid a week from today. I have an expired, almost empty, gallon of milk and barely any gas in my car. I have $2.38 in my checking account. Ain't life grand?

For those of you who actually read this, and who are my real friends, I have some pictures from my Chicago trip up on Facebook. Soon I plan on adding them to my scrapbook from the last Chicago trip. You know, whenever I can afford to buy scrapbooking supplies.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My car wouldn't start this morning. This is just what I need right now.

Karl Malden has died now. What is going on in Hollywood?