Monday, July 19, 2010

Will the real Stevie Nicks please stand up?

I love Twitter, and I will say that the main reason for this is that celebrities are on it. A lot of them probably have their assistants do the actual tweeting, but others do not, which is clear from their incessant rambling. Now, one of my favorite celebrities, Stevie Nicks, is completely technology-illiterate. If things are as they have been, she still doesn't even have a cell phone. Obviously her assistant does, and this is how communications with the outside world occur, but she doesn't do e-mail, none of that. For a while now, Stevie fans on Twitter have been swearing up and down that a completely inactive Twitter account called @RealStevieNicks is indeed Stevie. Personally, I didn't believe it and wanted to know why so many did. I was told that someone on Fox News helped Stevie actually set up the Twitter account on-air. They provided me a link to a video of this, but I actually never watched it. My major reasoning for not believing the hype, aside from Stevie's shun of all things technological, is that Lindsey Buckingham (@Lndsybuckingham) was not following this @RealStevieNicks account. Granted, his account has not been verified, but who is going to create a fake Lindsey Buckingham Twitter? Seriously?

So, sometime yesterday someone started tweeting from this account saying that they were Stevie's assistant Karen and that they were going to answer some fan questions. Stevie fans were FREAKING OUT. But all of the answers to said questions were incredibly vague, things that could have easily been written by someone not associated with Stevie personally. Well, @DaveStewart from the Eurythmics, who has been recording an album with Stevie over the last several weeks, tweeted this earlier today: "the @realstevienicks site is nothing to do with Stevie or karen , I'm on the phone with Karen now talking about tomorrow's recording"

I felt like shouting from the rooftops: "Bitches, I told you so!"

Now, in all this drama, apparently some sweet little girl tweeted something to Dave about how her birthday was today and he should get Stevie to sing to her. All he said was something along the lines of: "I'll show her your tweet, that's all I can do." She has been waiting on Twitter for HOURS for him to reply and let her know what Stevie said about her tweet. Okay. He never said that he would tweet anything to her. She just assumed this. So there she sits, tweeting away about all of her fantasies involving Stevie pulling her up on stage to sing to her, or calling her on the phone to sing to her, and how she's getting impatient waiting for Dave to tweet her back, and I just feel sorry for this girl. I mean, I can be pretty obsessive about my celebs, but this is just ridiculous. But hey, I guess at least it's a good thing that she doesn't have a job, because she might lose it being on Twitter constantly for the past seven hours.

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