Monday, November 15, 2010

What now?

It would be nice if we could all live our lives the same way that a dog or a cat does: we eat, we sleep, we hump things, and eventually we die. We have no goals or ambitions, no fears (other than the natural fear of creatures that are larger than ourselves), and no plans. All we'd need is sustenance and occasional affection. We would never expect anything, or have hopes and dreams that could be shattered. We'd just exist, and be content with what we could get.

I've been trying to figure out my next step. I'm not getting any closer to the future I have pictured in my head, and I need to figure out which path will get me closer to that picture. I honestly don't know what I want to do. I've always seen myself in a creative career. I'm driven emotionally and have a flair for the abstract. If you had asked me ten years ago where I would be at 25, I would have said I'd be a film actress, or a novelist, or at the very least a mother. I'm not any of those things, nor is it likely that I will be. But if I can't be those things, is it that much to ask that I at least am in a career related to the things I'm interested in?

No one I ask for advice has anything optimistic to say about the options I've mentioned. It has been suggested that I get my MBA, but then I'd still be doing something I consider to be routine, a run-of-the-mill job. Am I giving myself and my creative abilities too much credit? Or do people just not see me as someone with enough drive to succeed in a highly competitive and objective market?

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