Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Odds and Ends

It's always interesting going online and reading comments on blogs and message boards. Some people get so totally bent out of shape over stuff, as if their comment is going to cause the author to change something in the article/blog the commenter just read. It's completely ridiculous. I have been compelled a few times as of late just to comment to other people’s comments that I've read.

I've been researching graduate programs in Tennessee today, just to give me a legitimate reason to move. I'm not all that interested in a graduate program, mainly because buckling down to my undergrad studies was difficult enough, but I thought it would be worth looking into. Vanderbilt would pay my tuition and give me a stipend during the course of my studies. Plus, it's located near downtown Nashville so if I were to enroll anywhere it would be the most likely. A lot of programs required completion of a second semester of 200-level foreign language studies, and there's no way I could enroll in a 202 French class with a more than two-year absence. I wouldn't make it.

I've also been looking at apartments in the Nashville area to get an idea. There are several in Antioch that are nicer than where I live, or seem to be from the pictures, and are also cheaper. Naturally I'd have to go physically look at them, but that's a long way off. Moving is just an idea that I have right now. Something to get me out of this rut I feel like I'm in, and just something to give me a change of scenery for a while.

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