An FB friend of mine had posted this 30 Day Madonna Challenge on her
tumblr. I have decided to steal this and apply it to my own personal Madonna, Bette Midler. Should be fun. Here's the rundown:
Day 01 – When and how were you first introduced to
Madonna Bette Midler?
Day 02 – Favorite album, and favorite song off that album
Day 03 – Favorite quote
Day 04 – Favorite
Madonna Bette Midler movie
Day 05 – A photo of
Madonna Bette Midler in the year that you were born
Day 06 – Least favorite
Madonna Bette Midler album
Day 07 – A photo that makes you laugh
Day 08 – A photo that makes you go UNF
Day 09 – Your favorite era
Day 10 – A
Madonna Bette Midler-related video
Day 11 – A
Madonna Bette Midler-related photo you took
Day 12 – Your favorite music video
Day 13 – A song that makes you cry
Day 14 – A song that forces you to dance
Day 15 – Favorite
Madonna Bette Midler-related website
Day 16 – Favorite physical feature of
Madonna Bette Midler’s
Day 17 – Least favorite
Madonna Bette Midler song
Day 18 – Favorite album or single artwork
Day 19 – Favorite
Madonna Bette Midler magazine cover
Day 20 – A
Madonna Bette Midler-related dream you’ve had
Day 21 – First
Madonna Bette Midler item you ever got
Day 22 – Favorite tour
Day 23 – Favorite performance
Day 24 – Favorite
Madonna Bette Midler tumblr
Day 25 – Favorite
Madonna Bette Midler movie character
Day 26 – Favorite
Madonna Bette Midler interview
Day 27 – Your favorite outfit/fashion statement
Day 28 – Favorite
Madonna Bette Midler photo
Day 29 – How has
Madonna Bette Midler inspired you?
Day 30 – Whatever tickles your fancy
The real "challenge" in all of this will be remembering to actually post every day for a month.