Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bette Challenge - Day 1

Day 01 – When and how were you first introduced to Bette Midler?

I don't remember. God's honest truth.

I can't remember a time in my life without Bette. As crazy as it may sound, life began with her. I remember being vaguely familiar with her at the age of eight or nine. For a time, I thought she sang the song "Let's Hear It For the Boy" from Footloose because I had never heard her sing and knew she had been in a movie called For The Boys. Putting those things together just sort of made sense to me at the time. I remember seeing previews on TV for The First Wives Club and wanting desperately to see it, but I wasn't allowed to go to the theater to see it for some reason. (I was 11 and the movie is only PG. Maybe it was the warning of "mild language.") At this point I began researching her on the internet every time I got the chance. I became obsessed - with her career, her life, her humor, her spirit, her music, her laugh. All of her.

So, I guess, definitively, the answer is because of The First Wives Club (which I have probably seen at least 75 times) but the seed was planted long before that.

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