Monday, August 23, 2010

Bette Challenge - Day 20

Day 20 - A Bette Midler-related dream you've had

I've had a lot of Bette-related dreams in my time. I remember one where I saw her driving around town. What town, I'm not sure exactly, but it was whatever small place I was living in in my dream. Anyway, I saw her get in her car and tried to flag her down because I wanted to meet her, but she didn't see me. So I went to get my sister and said, "Bette is here! We have to go find her!" We followed her trail and ended up at this enormous house. We didn't knock or anything, just went in. But the inside of the house was like a post office, so we kept walking around trying to find the house part of it hoping to find Bette. I don't think we found her in this particular dream, but I had similar ones that followed, all with the same post office/house in the dream. That always struck me as odd. Anyway, there's one of my dreams that I remembered.

I remember another one that really just looked like a TV commercial for a new album. It was a double album of all covers, but she did pretty well known songs, including "You're Still the One" by Shania Twain. As familiar as I am with the nuances of her voice, I was able to recreate her voice in my dream and actually dreamed her singing that entire song. I even visualized Shania Twain's video for that song with Bette in her place. It was so strange.

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